Feng Zikai award and book

非常感謝六哥給我和豐子愷研究會牽線搭橋(讀庫也做了《護生畫集》的超漂亮的版本),我就有機會認識研究會理事印樹葳先生(Steven :),專門從上海過來大理送豐子愷先生90高齡的女兒豐一吟的贈書(豐子愷先生的孫子豐羽代贈),我榮幸得無法形容。明年有機會參選豐子愷漫畫獎,心情激動,好期待!

On Thursday, Steven Yin (印樹葳 yìn shù wēi) and his fiancée Ye Nan (葉楠 yè nán) flew over from Shanghai to visit me in Dali. Steven is in his last years of his Phd at Jiaotong University, studying the history of science, while Ye Nan is involved in organ transplant research. Steven also happens to be the director of the Feng Zikai Research Society (豐子愷研究會的理事), and on behalf of the society invited me to take part in next year’s Feng Zikai Award for Comic Art (豐子愷漫畫獎), which of course is a huge honour, I’m amazed and somewhat overwhelmed that they asked me – Feng Zikai was one of China’s most famous and beloved comic book artists. They found me because my publisher Liu Ge, of Duku Publishing House, passed on a copy of A Dali Sketchbook to the Feng family (Duku has also put out a beautiful version of Feng Zikai’s Buddhist-inspired art, Paintings for the Preservation of Life 《護生畫集》). Apparently Feng Zikai’s daughter, a lady now in her 90s, liked my book enough that she suggested I take part in the competition, and sent a signed copy of her father’s biography. I’m amazed and very happy, though it is amazing how slowly time unfolds in the book world – A Dali Sketchbook came out two years ago, I thought it was already off the radar.


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